About me

Hello! I'm Vincent, a French software developer.

I've always been fascinated by the web, which is why, after having spent the last 7 years as an accomplished Event Manager, I have decided to transition my career to the Tech Industry.

I am a problem solver who enjoys creating things that live on the internet, whether that be websites, applications, or anything in between and I am seeking a full-time opportunity to leverage my JavaScript and React knowledge.

I'm an outdoor lover, hobbyist photographer, and also a bit of a boardgame fanatic.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:

  • JavaScript ES6
  • React
  • HTML5
  • CSS/Sass
  • React Redux
  • React Hooks
  • Gatsby
  • Firebase
  • Git
  • Netlify
  • Styled components
  • Material-UI

My projects

Spoti Profile is a React application with a Node/Express.js backend that displays your Spotify information. The Express.js backend is used to authorize the application with Spotify and to request permissions from the user for access to their Spotify data. Once the user has granted permission, the Express.js server fetches a token from Spotify and passes it to the React client that uses it to make Axios requests to Spotify. The client also uses React router to navigate and to set url params that are used to fetch tracks and artists data. The app is deployed on Heroku (please allow 15 seconds for the app to open on first load since I'm using Heroku's free tier).

  • React
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • React router
  • Axios
  • Heroku
  • Spotify web API

Liffré-Piéla is a French charity that helps the underpriviliged region of Piela in Africa. They couldn't afford a domain, hosting and CMS monthly fees and wanted a solution that didn't require coding knowledge. I decided to use Gatsby on the front-end paired with netlify hosting and netlify CMS on the backend for a completely free stack. With netlify CMS, they have a wysiwyg solution to add their content that I am able to query with graphql in Gatsby to generate pages, routes and articles. Netlify CMS pushes new content as markdown directly to the github repo and triggers a build of the website which allows them to create new content without having to go into the code. The website has a perfect score in Lightouse in the speed, accessiblity, best practices and SEO categories.

  • Gatsby
  • Netlify CMS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Styled Components
  • Hooks
  • Context

First iteration of my personal portfolio. I have built it with Gatsby and React and it is hosted with Netlify. Gatsby ships with some great features like a built-in Router or image optimisation tools which convinced me to use it for my website. I used Hooks and Context to manage dark mode and scrollReveal for some of the animations. I am using graphql and markdown files to make it super easy to update the website or add new content.

  • Gatsby
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Styled Components
  • Hooks
  • Context

Toudo is a web app that helps you organize your life. You can create tasks, schedule, prioritise, sort, file and comment on them. Toudo manages authentication and saves your tasks in Firebase. Toudo uses custom hooks to make firebase calls and set the context of the app with your tasks and projects.

  • React
  • Firebase
  • Hooks
  • Context
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React Router

This web app is an adaptation of the game The Resistance: Avalon. The game logic is written in JavaScript. The Javascript is used to update the game parameters based on the number of players, to randomly assign a role to each player, to dynamically update the DOM and to check for end-game conditions.

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • React Router
  • HTML
  • CSS

Each FreeCodeCamp certification requires to complete 5 projects to finalise the course. I have built 15 projects, including static webpages, a random quote generator, a pomodoro clock, a calculator, a markdown text editor and a drum-machine. I have centralised my last 5 projects in a GitHub repository where you'll find links to the hosted projects.

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Redux
  • HTML
  • CSS


Say Hello!

I'm currently looking for a new opportunity. Whether you are interested in my profile, or just want to say Hi, send me a line and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!